9-11 Reflections

I have learned a lot about 9-11, but one thing that stands out to me is all the firemen, police officers, paramedics, and the brave people that were on the fourth plane. The thing that stands out to me about the paramedics is that they had to take hundreds of  people to the hospital. The thing that stands out to me about the firemen and the police officers is  they were going up the towers while they were coming down. Last, but definitely not least the thing that stands out to me about the people that were on the fourth plane is that they were normal people like us, but they were brave and they had courage. They  were not going to let the terrorist fly that plane into a building like the other 3. I also never knew util September 2016 how much 9-11 really changed our country. Even though we weren’t  born during that time it doesn’t mean that it is any less important to us!

photograph credit: www.dogonews.com


               NEVER FORGET 9-11!!!

One thought on “9-11 Reflections

  1. “Even though we weren’t born during that time it doesn’t mean that it is any less important to us!” Your exactly right when you wrote that. Everything you said was right, that’s just one that stood out to me.

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